It may be traveling between Amherst and Northampton everyday, or perhaps having reliable transportation to explore new places, but this year's autumn has been particularly stunning. At the farm over the weekend, Margo and I went on a hayride and drank cider that was so fresh it had chunks of apple in it. Maybe I am just finally opening my eyes to what's around me. Foliage aside, that seems to be a recurring theme lately.
Evolutionary Medicine is proving to be the most relevant and interesting class I've taken thus far. considering going into women's health now. mulling over a final paper on how modern medicine is shaping the evolution of our species. also, I am so into the benefits of breast milk. so important for infant development!
lizzy told me about an assignment for her film class in which she recorded and edited together sound samples, and I've been thinking about it a lot and the power of sound without vision, trying to figure out what I would have done for that assignment. tonight as I was walking on campus about an hour past sunset, a bird flew across the water in landing and made the most beautiful whirring sound.
and finally,
Bunny Update: she is perfect I want to squeeze her all the time. tonight she tried cilantro for the first time she went crazy and licked my hand after it was gone. as of her last trip to the doctor, she weighed fifteen ounces. that was about two weeks ago and now i'm guessing she weighs around two pounds. getting so big! also, she climbs the stairs by herself now.
you're so lucky to have foliage. i've seen about ten trees, and they are all still green.
what's with the plaid? this is unfair. i tried so hard for so long.
can you tell me a little about the bunny's doctor? what are the visits like? where is the doctor's office?
i wanna go with you sometime.
I'm jealous of your foliage - the leaves here are just looking dry and dead - Auntie Dee tells me that's what fall looks like down here. Hearing without having an image for association reminds of food in forms where you can't recognize them - the ice cream cone filled with mashed potatoes - supposedly people have difficulty naming the food without visual cues. Interesting.
too bad the bunny turned back into a here's-a-soft-surface-i-think-i-should-pee-here-jerk.
fall is really amazing.
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