Monday, September 10, 2007

road toad

on my way to Lia's house tonight, i was driving on a very dark road through corn fields, on the back way from Northampton to Amherst. all of the sudden i see something small and hoppy and brown jump across the road and it was too late to stop. i am really worried that i squished this frog because i already have horrible frog karma and now i can't fall asleep and am anxious imagining frog guts on my tires and little frogs waiting for their mom to come home & her never coming. (is that real? are little frogs just tadpoles? is there an adolescent stage between tadpole & adult frog?) i guess frogs have good reflexes, and it might have pulled a frogger.

1 comment:

Trey said...

I did the same thing in the same spot last night, only around 10:00. But I did something worse a few minutes later that kept me awake.

I was in Shutesbury on a windy mountain road and I saw something weird just going into the bushed off the side if the road. Hoping it was a small sasquatch, I slowed down to check it out. It turned out to be a weird looking half wolf dog. Like if you mixed a wolf and a Saint Bernard. It was really scary and had ghost eyes, but I think I saw a collar on it. I stopped the car and was about to get out and check its tags and maybe bring it home, but something was really unsettling about it. So I drove on. But I felt so bad because it was out in the dark on a back country road. There were some houses around, but it still seemed out of place.

Anyway, don't worry about it frog. It would have been worse if you swerved and went off the road and ran over a family of them (you can still hit tadpoles if they're in a puddle or you crash in a creek).